Saturday, December 15, 2012

001 Introduction


Question: You already have about 66 blogs. Many of these blogs, do not have postings for the last several months. They have become nearly orphans, or uncared children. Why do you add one more blog?
Ans: I always felt that I should not add more blogs. But, I have developed an irresistable feeling today, that I must share my experiences with the information technology and computers, with my readers, so that some of the scripts I write here may save them from the pains and strains of re-discovering or rebuilding the Rome.

First of the first: I must express my sincere gratitude to hundreds of IT-computer guides and sharers, IT-computer free websites, who have worked as NEARLY SELF-LESS UNPAID TEACHERS of information technology.

I must make special mention of the Linux-Ubuntu-launchpad-debian-gnome-kubuntu (list incomplete) community who gave everything free of cost and open source. The offline and online computer world would have been miserable, in the absence of these divine Marxist-socialist souls (they might not have declared themselves so), having been abandoned to the rapacious Microsoft, Windows and the likes.

I must express my profound thanks to the creators of javascript and php scripts, and the apache server, all of which are free.

My presentations at this blog, most of the time, I foresee will mainly contain some javascripts and php scripts. I am a beginner and may be committing errors or not following the conventions of coding. Readers will please bear with me. I am not a professional. I am presenting these codes, more as an 'end-user' myself and not as an I.T. professional. Hence, an appeal for some allowances, leeways, margins and tolerances.

Nevertheless, free, frank, tough criticism is welcome, as long as obscene language is not used.

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